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Our Activities

All walks are held on Saturdays throughout the year.  These usually take place within 100 km of Perth including National Parks such as John Forrest, Yanchep, the Avon Valley, Jarrahdale and Serpentine, as well as little known pathways through suburban parks, along the banks of rivers and streams, beach areas (popular in summer) and historical suburbs such as Subiaco and Shenton Park.

Grading of Walks: EASY 8-10 km; EASY/MODERATE 10-12 km; MODERATE 12-15 km or MODERATE/HARD 15-20 km; and with varying paces over a reasonable period of time.

Throughout the year, we walk through many different types of terrain, from FLAT to UNDULATING or STEEP HILLY AREAS. We do not do HARD Walks or Overnight Back-Packing trips.

Our Easy/Moderate, Moderate and Moderate/Hard walks in the hills are organised once the warmer weather departs – about the end of April or early May.  Our Moderate/Hard walks in the hills ease off once the warmer weather arrives – about the end of November or when the fire risk is considered too high.

In Summer, when the heat makes it unpleasant to walk, we organise more Social activities, so as to keep the group connected.

Walks are always interesting.  It’s amazing how many beautiful spots are rarely visited.  From experience, we know of many great walks, some of which would surprise you!  With us, you may discover places you have never seen before.

A friendly social air is maintained throughout our activities and occasionally a great coffee place, a meal at a café or a scenic picnic spot in the hills may be included in the activity.


Walking helps us maintain Mobility, Flexibility and Stability.


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